World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-02-26 2011-02-28 Argentina
2011-02-27: 4Distance today: 30.0 km (Accumulated: 23501.9 km)
Elapsed time: 02:59:55
Country: Argentina
Start 10:35am, 19c, no wind, a few clouds. At estacio gate/ "M2 CH3" at road 2 to Choele Choel, 5km S. of Choele Choel [see gps-coded finishpic. & endomondo tracking for exact location]. Finish 14:52pm, 36c, some clouds and l. wind. At estacio gate/ "Esperanza" at road 2 toNeuquen.
The tiredness after the 100km yesterday havent set in yet, so a quite enjoyable stage where I at 10km met the truckdriver who helped us when we had car-problems three days ago (see pictures), and at 22km I reached the 2000km mark since Punta Arenas.
- Why there isnt any major fatigue yet, besides a slower pace today, ? Most likely because the body right after a long stage like that is in a state of alert, supressing pain to some extend, releasing endorphines and also minimizing the need for sleep, for a while.
Though, once the body realizes that the "overdrive" isnt required anymore -it will return to normal, and there will be a bill. Payday probably will be tomorrow ;-)
Another question might be "if I can do 100km that 'painless' why not do atleast 70-80km daily ?"
..Besides the point made above; then obviously there is a long road ahead in the world runs. And while its definately doable to stay above 100km during our 6day competetions, and even so also for 10day runners or the top runners at the yearly SCMT 3100mile race (!), then its a balance on a razors edge when the run is 1-2 years; not weeks or months.
But the main reason is: I Enjoy the Run more by respecing the body :-))