World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-12-12 2009-12-14 Africa
2009-12-13: 12Distance today: 32.0 km (Accumulated: 18943.8 km)
Elapsed time: 03:10:42
Country: Africa
Start 09:28am. at "Escola Secundaria da Macia", ca. 150km N. of Maputo, on the EN1-hwy to Maputo. 24c, o.c. and l. wind. Finish 14:38pm. At farm-sign " <- Agrovisa", ca. 120km N. of Maputo, on the EN1-hwy to Maputo. 38c, humid, hazy and same.
Christmas running calender, day 13:
Another of the Big joys of running - is racing' :-)
.. I know few things as Thrilling as putting your full power to the tarmac' trying to get that pb. or that 1. place !! A thing wich never gets 'old' or boring even when nearing 30y. of competing :-)) Be it 5k, 10k, marathon, 100k, 24hours, 6days... The basic exitement to see if you can take more strain than the runner next to you. If you can pace yourself more cleverly, know your exact treshold better, ... The longer the distance the more factors to play with, and long enough it becomes nearly a game of 'human chess' as the pace goes down but the stakes and tactics raise !! But enough; just writing about it makes me MISS racing :-))