World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Distance today: 37.0 km (Accumulated: 16154.8 km)
Elapsed time: 03:36:41
Country: Africa
Start 09:45am. at white sign ".. Msimbati Border Station 40kms, <- " on the rd. to Mozambique. 26c, half cloudy and l. wind.Finish 14:09pm. At Rovuna River, Tanzanian side, Tanzania - Mozambique border. 36c, med. wind and same.
Reached the North riverbank today after an easyrun on the sand/dirtroad - but I realize that it wont be that easy from tomorrow if Im back to pushing the stroller & 40kg in front of me ;-)
(Its not amajer prob. when there is tarmac road, but on loose surface and especially sand it 'sinks in' between each runningstep. Since there is landmines in the area its also a bit more nice to have the option of going to a hotel after the daily stage instead of taking the chance that there isnt a surprise underthe three you want to pitch the tent..).
These thourghts and the anxiousness of entering a new running streatch where you dont know the language (portugese) and am perhaps a bit 'alone' was trumphed' though by the thourght as I ran down to the river:
What adventures to recieve in a life-time !!! To run down through the entire streatch of Africa, to have enjoyed and taken in the beauty of crossing Siberia (wr1) by foot (such a Nature, nothing compares !!), ... A priveleague or luck beyond what I could dream of :-)
So what if there is a risk ?
There is a risk when staying at home too. But the reward here, daily and overall, is an offer you cant refuse :-))