World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Distance today: 20.0 km (Accumulated: 12120.8 km)
Elapsed time: 01:56:47
Country: Africa
Start 14:30am., at "Ethiopian Electric Coroporation, Metema district office" sign at main street of Shendi village on the main road, on the rd. towards Gondar. 26c, allm. clear and l. wind. Finish 16:32pm., at "Ethiopian Electric Coroporation, Metema district office" sign at main street of Shendi village on the main road, on the rd. towards Gondar. 33c and same.
- logistics day, waiting.
Ethiopian contrasts !
With begging and a high freqvency of 'hustling' in the villages on the first streatches near the border - you quickly learn not to trust a friendly remark too much; itcomes w. "give me 10bir" a few min. later for unwanted services like showing the way to shops you are allready going or pointing out the price in shops.Difficult to move in a city or larger village (this not the case in the small strawhut-villages :-). Diff. to keep a positive perspective when meetingnew people as it more often than not starts with: "Give me money !".
Yet; just as I think this - knowing it is because, but not excused by, poverty - Imeet another side of Eth.: mr. Kinfe that works for the WHO vaccination program in Eth. The friendliness and lowvoice insisting in that I am guest hereand cant be allowed to pay for my food. Not to mention finding (and presenting !) 3 cans of sardines :-))
.. I havent been able to find a place to buy proteines/meat in 4 days !!! Wich is quickly starting to affect strength and running.
Yes, Ethiopia is a place that is difficult to have a set oppinon about :-)